Monday, March 22, 2010

Taiping part#4 : Bukit Merah

Kali ni kite jauhkan kaki sikit pergi ke Bukit Merah. I like this keychain very much!

Talking about Bukit Merah is like talking about tons of beautiful fun places all over the world.
There are so many things to see, many things to explore.

This is one of them.
Pulau orang utan.
Pakej yang diambil : RM30 : Pulau orang utan + Laketown Ecopark + Chairlift ride.
Sungguh berbaloi2!
The jetty.

Beautiful, isn't it?
And more beautiful with me inside the pics. Ahakss!!

You also can take a ride with bicycle around the lake. More fun!

Tiktoktiktok. Time to go!

Mase dalam boat, kite terus teringatkan Redang and Perhentian!
I miss them!

Ok, sudah sampai..
Yeayy!! Itu dia si comel kite.
Tak banyak pics yang kite ambil kat sini, sebab kite rushing and ouhh...kite tak suke cuaca panas!
Tapi you all leh layan video si comel ini..
Free  video hosting, video codes at I am at Laketown Ecopark.
Inside ade lots and lots of animals. Ade free animal show. And ade pets parkyang ade hamster!
Both pics with the monkey. I like!!

Actually dalam banyak-banyak tempat, kite paling tak sabar yang ini. HAHAHAA..
kan Amzari?
Chairlift ride sangat best sebab nampak keseluruhan Waterpark from above.
And proses nak naik and turun chairlift ride ni sangat mencabar sebab kene buat cepat-cepat. Hahaha..Tak paham?
Kene try sendiri lorhh...
Okay, dah sampai..

Time to shopping!
Rambang mata ouh..Beli souvenir untuk frens adelah one of my hobby mase travel!

Ok, itu je nak share.
Boleh tengok laman web Bukit Merah. 
Google sendiri ye?

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